Find Joy. Seek Truth. Be Kind.

Friday, July 5, 2019

What's my problem?

This last year I've been playing a new game.  It's fun, enlightening, and helps me set better boundaries.  I've shared with a few others and, in addition to laughs, I get fairly positive feedback about the game and it's usefulness.
So, in the hopes that it might be useful to someone else, here's my new-ish game.

What's my problem?

When someone approaches me with a complaint or anger, or I start to feel angry, threatened or defensive, I ask myself "What's my problem?"
Nine times out of ten, whatever they're talking about is not my problem.

It's like magic!  What's my problem?  Not this.
Their response to a situation is NOT MY PROBLEM.
Their emotions are NOT MY PROBLEM.
My behavior, my actions and reactions - definitely my problem.

A slightly less helpful game is
"What's your problem?"
Pretty much the same game, but asking someone else to play, which has shown itself to be problematic. Huh.

Try it and let me know what you think.

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