Find Joy. Seek Truth. Be Kind.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Chill, it's going to be ok

Folks out there are going to be spending a lot more time with their kids than they expected in the next weeks.  Us homeschoolers (and former homeschoolers) might have a bit of an advantage.

Although, to be fair, it's not the advantage I expected to have back when I envisioned the apocalypse.  

So, I will try to share some of my thoughts and opinions.  They're worth exactly what you're paying for them.  If they don't work for you, that's fine.

There is an emotional content to learning that is more important than technique, theory, or materials

There are no educational emergencies.  No one will die if little Susie hasn't memorized her time tables or Timmy doesn't know how to read by the end of the season.

Humans learn, all the time, like it or not.  It's what we do. 
Everything is learning.

Homeschooling is really just parenting.  Sending your kid to school is just outsourcing some parts of parenting, which is fine.  (Seriously, I'd outsource pregnancy if I could. pregger => 4/10 do not recommend, but the baby is nice) 

School at home is not homeschooling, and school at home sucks for all involved, so maybe let up on that  

Try to think about this time as fun enrichment, not make or break, not high stakes.  
You're a coach, and a cheerleader, not a professor.

Follow your kids interest, strew, explore, ask your student what their goals are and what they're curious about.  Luckily, even if we can't leave our homes, with the internet and web, we have the world at our finger tips.

You matter too, so be sure to organize so that you get done what you need to and still stay sane.  More on this later, but a friend once told me "If you're not using the TV as a babysitter, you're doing it wrong.  That's what it's FOR"  There's a time and place for electronics and that time is most certainly when a parent needs a break.  Don't beat the children.

I'll try to post every couple of days to answer some questions for a friend w/ a precocious 6 1/2 year old, but until I get to all those, you could take a peak at some older stuff.
I've written a lot about homeschooling, so you can check that out.  My friend J asked about our eclectic unschooly ways several years ago and I answered her here.   You can check out the pages over there in the side bar.  They were up to date a decade ago, but if I get some motivation I might fix the broken links.

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