I have a dirty little secret.
I am not actually a nice person. I try to be a nice person. I act like a nice person, mostly because I try really, really, hard. But nice people don't actually have to try to be nice, they just are. Deep inside I am a cold-hearted bitch. I have been assured of that by more than one person. (Including my own mother, and you'd think she'd be in a position to know these things).
Take, for example, the crazy lady who verbally assaulted me at a recent church retreat. She said I had been snubbing her, ignoring her when she waved hello, and turning my back on her in the social hall. I honestly had no recollection of that and told her so.
She called me a liar, "You're not the only one. Other people have been shunning me. I know what I know. And I'm very good with people, very good at reading them. It's ok. I'm over it now. I know not everyone will like me."
It was my sense of humor that kept me in the moment. I could laugh (internally!) at the discrepancy between her words and her actions. and use that energy to be kind to her, empathizing that it must have really hurt to feel excluded and asking what she felt would help.
What I really wanted to say was "
Are we in fucking Jr. High?" because that was the last time I had seen that kind of display. As it turns out she had moved away for 3 years and had recently come back, and I didn't even notice (because, can we remember? I'm not actually that nice of a person).
In retrospect, she was probably right, I had been ignoring her. Not ignoring her on purpose, but just - not even noticing her existence, or lack there of. Which, if you think about it, is even more insulting than making the effort to ignore her on purpose.
Here's what I do remember about her. It was this same woman who several years ago during a shared meal on a group camping trip was trying to explain why it was so important that everyone should be vegan (like her). It was impossible to change the subject, and finally she said "What if I ate your mother?" Which made me laugh. Unfortunately the image made me laugh
out-loud, and my editor was so busy laughing too that I spoke, out-loud.
"Good luck to you!"
Lego Kid assures me that "The world isn't really ready" for my humor.
I beg to differ. I'm funny, GDI.
I'm hilarious. I'm a riot.
At least in my own head.
the real world I'm too sincere and earnest, but in my head I'm snarky
as all get out.
Lego kid tells me it's a good thing I don't generally
say aloud everything that pops into my head.
He's probably right