Freeloaders kinda bug me.
I suppose to have a discussion about freeloaders you'd first have to define your terms, and "freeloader" is a pretty loaded term. A quick internet seach turns up this
- a person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return.
Let's talk about who is not a freeloader.
I think we can all agree that while babies might meet the technical definition of the term, babies are not freeloaders. Babies are wee humans who need us, who will learn, and grow, and are cherished members of our family. Elders in care facilities might seem to meet that definition, but again, these are cherished members of our families and whose lives have contributed to our collective wellbeing.
What about people who use social services like Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, etc? Nope, not freeloaders either. These people are making use of public services that were created to support people in need. Nearly every person who use these services are either adults who have worked and paid into these services, or are minors. These services have been created to better conditions for all of us individually as well as our nation collectively.
Children attending public school? Nope, not free loaders, citizens using a system we have decided benefits not just them but all of us. An educated citizenry is better than an ignorant one.
Veterans using VA benefits? Quite the opposite, there will never be enough to pay back what they have given to all of us.
You get the picture.
Let's talk about who is a freeloader.
That friend who "lets" you by his drink every single time, and never remembers his wallet when it's time to pay for dinner. That one uncle who borrowed your car, crashed it, barely told you about it, never compensated you, and never brought up the subject again. The friend who borrowed your treasured copy of The Hobbit, never returned it, and claims to have forgotten all about it... ya those folks are free loaders.
Who are freeloaders?
People who cheat on their taxes.
Corporations that use our roads to ship their goods, hire citizens educated in our public schools, then pay those workers so little that even a full time worker needs welfare to get by, and then use every loophole to pay as little tax as possible.
Millionaires and billionaires who got rich using our resources and our labor then pay off politicians to write laws that favor them even more.
Politicians who get government paid benefits for life after making laws that they and their handlers will profit from.
A millionaire president who has paid $750 annual tax while signing orders that harm his own people - those are the freeloaders.
And I'm sick of it.
The only way our system works is if we all participate, accept our own responsibility, and meet our obligations. A good citizen pays their taxes. A good citizen votes. Every single time.